Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Wintry Moment

My son took this video today. We had snow and ice! Thought it might make a nice ending to some movie. But what should the plot be?


Unknown said...

The plot, well I could go to a thrilling scary movie plot. But I am personally not a scary movie kinda girl. So here's my plot for the story...
A man witnessing a freak storm in Texas (snow it never happens here) so he goes outside to enjoy the calm after the storm, but wait there's something lurking outside. Is it a horrible beast? Is it Jesus coming to take him to Heaven? The plot thickens as the subject closens and du du dunnnnnn...
Ok so I made it the beginning of the movie. Oh well.

Linda said...

OK,, so--he should film you freezing the coffee cup to your lips as you turn into an ice sculpture at the end of the world. You were unsuccessful at staving off a new ice age, in a bizarre twist where you THOUGHT you were successful...kind of like that Day After Tomorrow movie, only different.